The “Guild”, the “Union”, or the Attack on that not “Regular”
I have heard of so many analogies to justify why certain affiliations of Freemasons shout NOT be accepted. I have heard the one about a Grand Lodge being equivalent to a University and if you are “irregular/clandestine/bogus” your credits (ritualistic knowledge) won’t transfer even though, there are numerous instances whereby an “irregular/clandestine/bogus” Masons were healed and his credits indeed “transferred”. The one that usually cooks my grits is the one where a “regular” Masons states that being “regular” is like being in a trade guild or trade union and whether anyone would hire a “non-Union” worker for a task or accept an ” irregular/clandestine/bogus” Mason.
Can a non-Union perform like a Union Worker?
A: Of course they can.
In Freemasonry, the idea or motto across the board is making good men better. Are we saying that non “regular” Masons (non-Union) are NOT good men? Are we saying that all “regular”Masons ARE good men? Of course not; in both cases.
Non-Union do not Know the Work
Ritualistically speaking, the “regular” (Union) idea that an ” irregular/clandestine/bogus” (non-Union) is perpostuous. Most are ritualistically adept as any other Mason. Anything that is added to the Masonic “ritual” as a means to differentiate is clearly, in my opinion, an innovation to Ancient Tradition (covering token, catchechisms, etc.).
The non-Union Worker is Defrauding the Community
How so? From an African American Masonic perspective, that could be quite the opposite. Most Union “regular” Lodges of African Americans are located in the Historical Black Areas of town. Good Right? Wrong. Those areas which are in the center of towns, are gentrified or are over-priced whee the common working African Americans can not afford to live there. Conversely most non-Union ” irregular/clandestine/bogus” are located in heavily contrated areas where Blacks live making them more visible (Chicago comes to mind).
Anyone who joins a non-Union Lodge has been Duped
This premise lends to the groupthink idea that only one whom is ignorant joins a ” irregular/clandestine/bogus” Lodge. It also states that “regularity” is the only reason a Lodge is joined. Men join Lodges for many reasons but three come to play many times. Friends, Family and common employees are way more popular than regularity. People tend less to join lodges of strangers.
Final Comments
We as American have this major tribal social “thing” whereby we must take the gang mentality to how we associate. We have to truly learn and act as Masons do. We must learn tolerance and stray away from disrespect. The working to which Union and Non-Union Masons have are the same, and they do more to bring us together than tear us apart.
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To me, the interesting point is, When 4 English Lodges got together at the Goose and Gridiron Ale House to form the Grand Lodge of London and Westminster, which later became the Grand Lodge of England, were the men who met there Masons? How about the Men in Scotland, Ireland, and Germany? There are Lodge minutes that precede the formation of any Grand Lodge. What does “Regularity” mean? For me, and this is my opinion, it means adherence to the “Land Marks” of Masonry. Are there “Regular” Lodges that violate these Ancient Charges, We must admit there are. So what does Regularity really mean? I think the animosity displayed by most of the Factions involved in this dispute is unMasonic.
The main idea is the “obsession” with holding to time honored traditions free of innovation but the problem is the concept of a Grand Lodge is an innovation in it of itself.
The fact that so called “regular” masons actually take time to talk down on and disrespect any man who (regardless of their jurisdiction) helps their fellow man and community is beyond me. The “essence” of Masonry has been watered down and converted to competition and a thirst for money. Part of what makes a great Masonic Man is what he does in the face of adversity. I believe it is important to focus on us and continue to work towards our goals. While they use manpower for greed and division, we use manpower for love and building.
Bro. Brandon Blackmon